Rosin is the solid part obtained from the distillation of 70% of pine resin - or Gemme.

Biogemme rosin is obtained by harvesting the resin without sulphuric acid, in a closed vase, and by gentle distillation, with little oxidation.

It is currently the only eco-certified rosin that meets the health and ecological requirements of environmental performance.

In its raw state, rosin takes the form of a soft paste. It dries quickly at room temperature, becoming hard and brittle.

It softens under the effect of heat, regaining its fluidity at around 85°C. Its sticky, waterproofing properties mean it can be used in a wide range of products.

Whether processed or unprocessed, rosin's specific properties mean it can be used in a wide range of products, from everyday consumer goods to intermediate industrial goods.

Rosin can be used to replace certain petro-sourced products that are now affected by new bans. It is being considered for use in food packaging, cosmetics and plant protection products, where its antifungal and bactericidal properties are a particular asset.

In this context, it is the subject of a great deal of research work, in conjunction with several universities.

It is of particular interest to niche markets where eco-sourced and eco-certified products offer real added value.