For professional use

Since better cellular oxygenation improves overall health, more than 2,500 health and well-being professionals use Bol d'air in their care and recommend it as an accompaniment to treatments.
Towards a global approach to health
To varying degrees, hypoxia - chronic under-oxygenation - affects a large majority of the population, with a negative impact on health and vitality, but also on the ability to respond to treatment or care.
This hypoxia is partly caused by pollution. Pollution is considered the primary factor in the aggravation of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic and neurological problems.
Air pollution: the WHO is revising its reference thresholds for the main air pollutants (
Bol d'air in integrative health
Integrative health is an innovative approach to the care pathway.
It brings together conventional and complementary medicine around the patient. This collaboration promotes the support of the patient as a whole to enable them to (re)take control of their healing journey. It is delivered by a multidisciplinary team.
Known as 7P medicine: Preventive, Personalised, Participative, Predictive, Pluriprofessional and disciplinary, Pertinent and integrating complementary Practices.
The Bol d'air is one of the integrative health methods.

When and how to use the Bol d'air?
Easy to use, all the user has to do is position their nose 5cm from the corolla and breathe naturally without forcing their breathing rate.
Bol d’air aéro2 devices are particularly suitable for use within a medical practice: self service or with subscription badges (Pass version).
The Bol d'air can be used before and after treatment or care.
> patient relaxation
> potentiation of the treatment through benefits that last after inhalation.
> provides recuperative energy
> prolongs and optimises treatment carried out in the session.
Loïc Machillot - Director of the Bourbon-Lancy thermal baths.
‘Initially, the Bol d’air was offered to users of our SPA. I then discovered that it was of interest to visitors to our thermal baths. Since then, use by our tourists has grown year on year. The Bol d’air acts as a complement to our spa treatment. It boosts the benefits because oxygenation allows the body to function more efficiently. Cellular oxygenation is beneficial for preparing its cure, and potentiating its effects’.
A network of certified professionals
Holiste selects qualified professionals to join its network of approved centres.
After a period of use of the Bol d'air in a personal and then professional context, the completion of a certifying training course and a telephone interview, we evaluate the establishment of a partnership.
Following this, the professional undertakes to respect the conditions established within the framework of an agreement and in particular to:
> Offer the Bol d'air to their customers/patients for self-service use and/or by appointment
> Set up an area reserved for the use of the Jacquier Bol d’air within your organisation
> Provide your clients with clear, honest and complete information.
On our side, we support you in:
> explaining the method to your clients
> discussing its importance and results in an ethical framework
> building client loyalty for regular use
> benefit from the use of our communication tools.